Monday, May 12, 2008


Remember Koolhaas? So lovely and soft and warm. I lost him a few weeks ago, and I was sad. Yesterday, I found the dryer. I had felted him, and now he is very small. Take a look(with large coffee mug for scale):

Hello. I am small.

Oh well. I suppose this smaller hat will take up less space than the adult-sized version would have in our move out west. And now I have a baby-sized bucket hat.


Anonymous said...

Hee hee. He's still cute. You should make a line of block-head finger puppets...

Good luck with the move. I don't know if I commented on your other posts but you did a great job on yarn colors and I LOVE the top you made.

You really do inspire me. I'm looking forward to getting my own sewing machine when I get back to the U.S.

Anonymous said...

meant to comment on your froggie post. I like your baby-bucket hat too!

J.Po said...

Oh no....

Save it for your first child!!! For now, it makes a lovely mug cozy!

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