Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I meant to post this earlier, but well, I've been busy.

On vacation, I spent quality time with the grandmas, and I also went to a small-town county fair. Here is a photo of me enjoying both aforementioned activities:

While at the fair, we ate these:

Hello. I am an Indian Taco and I am delicious. Never tried one? Well then, you haven't really lived.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


So, I have been busy in my blogging hiatus. I started a new rotation - on geriatric psychiatry, and I am really liking it. I also caught an upper respiratory tract infection, and I spent more than a few days feeling very sorry for myself. No worries - I am on the mend. Sinus irrigations are really where it's at people. No Joke.

I've also been spinning. I took a lesson on my wheel a couple weeks ago, and since that time, I have spun up nearly every bit of roving in my fiber stash. I am learning, and getting a little more proficient with each skein I spin. Here are some photos:

This is my first spinning endeavor. The roving was a wool/donegal wool blend. 8 oz.

I am bulky and will likely be made into a soaker for cloth diapers.

My second attempt at spinning. Merino wool. 8 oz. I have no idea how many yards I have - I suppose I should figure out some way to measure that.

Singles on bobbins.

Awkward photo of plied yarn on niddy noddy.

So many hobbies. So little time.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quilting is in my blood

It was inevitable that I take up this hobby. I have a genetic predisposition. Here's proof.

Grandma's quilts.

So, during my recent vacation I made a trip to a local quilting store to buy a magnetic pin cushion with Quilting Grandma. While there, I happened to see that the shop had cut up a bunch of fat quarters in Amy Butler fabric and were selling them as a kit to make this quilt. So, of course I had to buy it. And of course, we had to have a quilting date the next day.

Me with Grandma in her craft room.

My squares.

So fun.

My goal is to have all the squares done by February, and I think that's totally doable. I have about half of the fabric cut and ready to piece together!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Down with Anonymity

My friends gave permission to post entire photo, so you could see their beautiful faces in addition to their feet.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Flynnjamin's Great Adventure

So, the dog has been my buddy for the past week as I drove up and down California visiting family and friends.

First up, the bay area:

Hanging out on a d-mn lovely porch with friends' feet.

Then playtime with cousins:

Blogging world, meet my new niece, Tess. She's cute.

Finally, with the whole family:

What a life.
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